Street fishing and chub fishing

apr 29, 2020

In this article we will talk about street fishing, with an in-depth analysis of chub fishing and of the baits better suited for street fishing for chubs.

What is street fishing and where does it come from?

Street fishing is an expression that has been popularized in recent years, and refers to all fishing techniques that can be practiced in urban waters, including carp fishing. In Italy, when anglers talk about "street fishing", they mostly refer to spin fishing carried out in towns and cities by using ultra-light, light and medium-light equipment.

This technique was born in Northern Europe in the 90s and was immediately embraced by those who wanted to practice the sport without having to move from their city. Actually, more than a technique, it is closer to a fishing philosophy, in that the "urban" fish is used to surviving in special contexts and thus more difficult to lure. Lately, the number of street anglers has increased considerably, thanks to the presence of a great number of fish in the city canals.An aspect of street fishing to pay particular attention to is the catching method: it is very important to stick to a catch & release approach, so to keep the fish ecosystem in balance. 

Street fishing equipment

What about the street fishing equipment? As for the rod, ultralight spinning rods  are fine, but then rods with a C.W. medium/light - and a maximum weight of 20 grams - are also suitable, if combined with a small Jerk Bait or Streamer, which we will discuss below.

In combination with the rod, we recommend small reels, as the appropriate braided lines range between 0.04 mm and 0.10 mm. As for the line, a Fluorocarbon with a size from 0.16 mm to a maximum of 0.23 mm is recommended. The rod, the line, the reel and the end must be selected based on the bait of choice and the variety of fish to be caught.

What are the best baits to catch chubs?

Street fishing is often practiced to catch chubs. They are shrewd and cautious fishes, therefore hard to catch. As for street fishing baits, there are several types. Highly recommended are the small Jerk Baits, which are particularly useful in the opening casts to quickly locate fish intent on hunting food. Alternatively, you can use the Streamer, a bait designed for fly fishing, which is also excellent with light and ultra-light spinning rods. Streamers are very useful for catching chubs, as they have a "natural" progress that gives the bait a unique windy property, compared to rubber baits. However, the best lures for street fishing remain the nymphs: the fact that they are rather heavy means that they are thrusted into the water without difficulties.
