Trout Area Fishing: advice on how to choose the perfect equipment

apr 15, 2020

Trout Area originates from Japan and is a finesse lure fishing technique, whereby the trout is enticed by means of very light equipment and lures.  The latter, in addition to being barbless single hook, must be of really small size – whether we are referring to spoon, minnow and crankbait - : no more than 1-4 grams, to be precise.

Then, how should the equipment for trout area (fishing rod, fishing net, reel and line) be?

The perfect trout area fishing rod

Needless to say, the fishing rod has to be very light, with a maximum casting weight of five grams, a total weight of about a hundred grams, and a variable length from 1.60 to 2 meters.

Obviously, there are many different types of trout area fishing rods, ranging from the most standard for beginners, to the “bottom” and the “crank”. Prices vary between a minimum of € 60 to several hundred euros.

The trout area landing net

The net has a conic shape, similar to a bag, and its function is to bring the fish caught to the surface.

In trout area fishing the net is an essential kit: the mesh must be made of rubber, while the depth is variable.

The trout area reel

In trout area fishing, the reel must have specific characteristics regarding drag, weight and ratio between recovery and drag.

  • Drag: it has to be fluid and open, otherwise you risk to break the line;
  • Weight: needs to be minimal, because of the very light weight of the fishing rod (total weight of about 100 grams);
  • Ratio between retrieval and drag: ranges between 5.0:1 to 6.0:1

The trout area fishing line

The line to be mounted on the reel for trout area fishing must also be specific. In fact, due to the small weight of the lure, the line cannot be too thick otherwise it would make the casting impossible. Furthermore, the choice of the type of line varies in relation to the weight of the fish you want to lure: we must not forget that this can range between a mere 100 grams to a couple of kilos.

Tip: if you put a braided line on the reel, it is advisable to create an end in Fluorocarbon , or nylon (the recommended diameter varies between 0.10 to 0.14 mm); however, if you decide to put the nylon or Fluorocarbon on the reel, no end will be required.
