Travel fishing rod: buying guide

ott 6, 2020

In this article you will find some useful tips on buying a travel rod.

What is meant by a travel rod

Summer and early autumn are the best times to plan a fishing holiday. To understand what equipment to bring with you, you will first need to ask yourself a few questions. What will be the places where you will go fishing? What catch will you target? How much time will you have to devote to this relaxing sport? Once you have these answers in mind, you can move on to choosing a travel fishing rod.

So,  what does a travel rod mean? This is a fishing rod usually consisting of 3 or more sections. As for its features, a travel rod must be robust and responsive, without compromising on allowing a supple and continuous action. The grafts of the various sections must also not ruin the harmony of the bend of the barrel, which is crucial for the action.

How to choose the right travel rod

We start from the fact that there is no travel rod par excellence, yet one thing for sure is that itshould take up as little space as possible. Having said that, buying the right equipment to practice this sport is essential: a wrong purchase could lead to a total failure of the fishing expedition. So, what are the factors to consider when choosing a travel rod? First of all, the length of the barrel itself, which must fit comfortably inside your luggage. Usually a standard suitcase is no more than 60-65cm long. It is also good to prefer fishing rods divided into several sections (even 4), in order to be sure of handling a strong and "responsive" tool.

Fishing reel and lures for the travel rod

There are no actual rules to follow when fishing, although you can still adhere to some  basic guidelines. For instance, to balance fishing rods over 7 feet in length, and from one and a half ounces up, you shouldn't "go light" on the size of the reel. This is an aspect that should not be neglected as, without a fishing reel of adequate weight, you risk having a poorly balanced rod with all the weight on the tip. As for the lures, a small number of lures will be enough, so as not to take up too much space. No matter the quantity, just make the most of those few supplied. Once on site, in fact, you will have to gauge the weather/sea conditions and act accordingly,using the most appropriate technique and lure. The catch will not disappoint you!!
