Carp fishing

set 22, 2020

Carp is the most endangered freshwater species in Europe. So let's find out more about carp fishing techniques.

The carp: a very popular species in Italy

The carp originally came from Persia and spread to China first and later to Europe. We are talking about a muscular and strong cyprinid, fished from north to south Italy with a technique called “carp-fishing”, but also as a feeder. It is an omnivorous animal that feeds mainly on worms, insects, mollusks and larvae by foraging at the bottom of lakes and rivers. It is a gregarious species, which means that it lives in small groups. However, as it gets older, it moves alone, continuously looking for holes in the depths of freshwater basins. It loves calm waters rich in vegetation, in which it slowly moves to the bottom exploring it with its barbels in search of food.

When to fish for carp

If you want to fish for carps, the perfect times are sunrise and sunset. This cyprinid does not like hot and sultry days, even if it can peep out if the sky is overcast and waiting for rain. The best season for carp fishing starts around March/April and ends in late October/early November.

How to fish for carp

Carp is a shy and suspicious fish that should not be frightened in any way. For this reason, silence and discretion are essential. The angler must try to hide as much as possible to avoid casting his shadow on the shore. It is therefore essential to be very patient and equip yourself with at least two or three rods, without ever losing sight of them. There are many accessories for carp fishing (in this article we give you some more tips about carp fishing equipment). These range from rod holders to acoustic alarms that warn the angler when carp takes the bait. For carp fishing we, normally, use light but at the same time robust fishing rods in two or three pieces. Reels need to be smooth and strong with a spool capable of holding hundreds of meters of nylon fishing line or fishing braid.

The importance of baiting in carp fishing

In carp fishing, baiting is essential. Ideally, you have to constantly feed in the place chosen for fishing while waiting for the carp to pass through that area and be caught. There are hundreds of seeds and flours available on the market. The typical bait for carp fishing are boilies, a mix of flours mixed with eggs boiled before use. However, corn, worms and larvae can also be used.
