Trout fishing: what is the best fishing line?

set 8, 2020

One of the most recurring question that those who are considering lake or stream trout fishing ask themself is: which is the best fishing line? In this article you will find some useful information and tips.

How to choose  a spinning fishing line

What are the key factors to keep in mind when choosing which spinning line to buy? Since this techinique involves frequent casting and retrieval, it is very important to carefully analyze the visibility, resistance to knots, wear & tear and the memory effect of the fishing line for trout. To best meet these characteristics, the monofilament or the braided line are to be preferred. The braided line may prove to be the winning choice as - with the same diameter - it is much more resistant and withstands greater loads than a monofilament line. Though, braided fishing lines haves both advantages and disadvantages. Let's find out together.

Advantages of fishing braided lines                                         

The braided fishing line has a thinner diameter than the monofilament line, and the same breaking load. This means that it has a better spool outflow than the reel, which happens when coils with crossed turns storage are used. In addition, the braided fishing line displays very little memory effect once stored on the reel. Its elongation, then, is very low and the via ferrata is immediate. In addition the hooks, or treble hooks of the lures, penetrate easily, as the effect of the via ferrata is not cushioned by the lengthening of the line. Finally, the fishing braided line lasts longer than the nylon line.

Weaknesses of the spinning braid

In the previous paragraph we highlighted the advantages of the spinning braid, but now we will move on to the disadvantages. Among the disadvantages is the formation of so-called "wigs": for this reason it isrecommended to use braided lines only on reels equipped with a cross-coil spooling system. Furthermore, the absence of lengthening of the spinning braid can cause problems when fighting a large catch, so pay attention to the type of fish you want to catch. Another factor to consider is that the spinning braid is abrasive, which is why it should preferably be used on hard stone rings, preferably in SIC. Finally, the cost of the fishing braided line is much higher than that of the nylon line.

To conclude

We have just highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of using the spinning braid, but the final choice always depends on the perception and taste of the angler who may prefer monofilament instead.

Which line do you prefer for practicing trout fishing?
