How to choose the waterproof fishing jacket or dungarees

giu 17, 2020

Anyone who loves fishing knows the importance of the equipment,which needs to suit the type of fishing technique you practice. The clothing enters fully into the equipment of a fishing-lover; in particular, the fishing jacket plays a fundamental role, since it must protect the wearer from rain, wind and generally bad weather, keeping the body warm and dry.

Let's find out what are the characteristics of a perfect fishing jacket.

The characteristics of the waterproof fishing jacket

If you have decided to buy a waterproof fishing jacket you need to pay attention to a few features.

  • Make sure the jacket is truly water repellent. How? By choosing among the top technical brands, you will be sure to wear a high quality jacket made of materials that are truly waterproof.
  • The jacket must have a hood that will come in handy when the weather is not on your side. Better to choose a model with a non-detachable hood, in order to avoid any rain infiltration from the hanging of the buttons. In addition, the hood must be "large" enough to cover the entire head.
  • Do not buy a jacket with a slim fit; remember that the jacket must allow full freedom of movement, without being tight around joints, waist or anything else.
  • The jacket must be breathable: it is then left to the "inner layer" of clothing, such as fleece, microfleece, etc. to perform a thermal function.
  • The zip of the jacket must be fully functional from the first fitting in the dressing room, or at home, once the order has been received, if the purchase was made online. The reason is simple: if the zip hinge proves to be defective from the start, surely, afterwards, it will be difficult to make it "slide" while fishing, especially with the hands numb by the cold.

When to choose fishing dungarees?

Clearly, it is wise to choose a fishing dungaree if you arewearing a not very long waterproof jacket,  and running the risk of exposing your back.

Equally useful would be to wear a dungaree, if you are fishing "sitting" (as in boat fishing, for example): in this way you will be sure to be always protected and to be able to practice your favorite sport with maximum comfort!
