Repairing fishing rod rings

giu 10, 2020

If you live in a time, like the current one, in which it is not possible to leave your house to protect yours and others health, you can turn what seems "wasted time" into an opportunity to learn something new. For example, is fishing your passion? Then, this is the chance to find out how to repair fishing rod rings yourself.

The kit for repairing a fishing rod ring

So, why is it a good idea to replace a damaged fishing rod ring? Because damaged rings could cause scratches of the fishing thread and even lead to its breakage.

Then, here is what you need to repair a fishing rod ring:

  • Two-component glue: this is an adhesive consisting of a base plus a reactive agent. The two components must be mixed in a container with a spatula, in order to avoid air bubbles;
  • Ligature wire of your choice;
  • Sellotape: ideally, standard type  and double-sided type;
  • Cutters of different sizes;
  • Scissors;
  • A pair of tweezers;
  • Brushes.

So, let us see how to do the repair yourself according to best practice.

Procedure for repairing fishing rod rings yourself

Here are the steps to repair the fishing rod rings yourself.

  • Use the cutter of your choice toremove the guide from therodvery gently, so as not to damage the carbon.
  • Then, unwind the thread. Once the wire has been removed, you can rub off any residual glue on the rod usingthe cutter. Carry out a second "cleaning" using acetone.
  • Then, replace the ring with a new one, or reuse the same ring: it depends on its condition! In any case, it is always good practice to wrap it in sellotape to avoid any damage caused by glue.
  • Place the ring on the fishing rod, holding it still at both ends using adhesive tape; in the meantime, the binding of the chosen thread can be carried out.
  • Tie the thread by winding it a few times around the fishing rod: it is important to reach the end of the ring shank!
  • Complete the binding by inserting the free end of the thread through the buttonhole.
  • Put everything together applying the two-component adhesive with brushes.
  • Wait until is dry

Remember to keep up-to-date on interesting factsrelated to the world of fishing, by following the blog of Asso Fishing Line!
