Where to fish in Andalusia
settembre 29, 2020
Andalusia is a very attractive place to go fishing. In particular, the...
Carp fishing
settembre 22, 2020
Carp is the most endangered freshwater species in Europe. So let's find out...
Various types of lures
settembre 15, 2020
In this article you will find useful insights into the various types of...
Trout fishing: what is the best fishing line?
settembre 8, 2020
One of the most recurring question that those who are considering lake or...
Where to fish in Salento
settembre 1, 2020
Among the many fishing itineraries that Puglia offers, we suggest that of...
Fishing in Corsica
agosto 25, 2020
One of the most beautiful places in Europe. An island rich in history, with...
The best fishing lines for surfcasting
agosto 18, 2020
The choice of line for a specific technique, such as surfcasting, is...
Where to fish in Sardinia
agosto 11, 2020
Thanks to the presence of wind for most of the year, Sardinia is ideal for...
Fishing reel repair: how to prevent it
agosto 4, 2020
Let's find out what are the most common mistakes, which damage the fishing...
Spinning rod: how to choose one
luglio 29, 2020
The choice of the fishing rod is very important. In fact, a wrong decision...