How to cast away from shore with a fishing rod

ott 13, 2020

Surfcasting is a particular technique which involves casting the fishing rod at a considerable distance from the shore. To significantly increase the range of the cast, training and experience are essential. Precious meters can be gained only with greater fluidity and confidence in movement. In this article, we offer you some simple tips that will allow you to refine your casting range from shore.

Reduce the diameter of the fishing line to facilitate sliding

First of all, to facilitate the sliding of the fishing line, it is recommended to reduce the diameter of the line itself. This is a crucial point. In fact, the range of the launch will vary considerably, depending on the line’s diameter. To obtain a good glide, it is preferable to choose a thin nylon fishing line. We recommend 26/100 or 33/100. This fishing line is of great quality, and resistant to knots and abrasion.

Pay attention to the spooling of the reel

Although often underestimated, the reel plays its part in long distance casting. This operation is essential to allow the angler to reach the catch several meters away from the shore. How? Carefully load the reel to the brim, so that the fishing line runs easily during the casting phase.

Use the shock leader

To increase the distance of the launch in surfcasting we can use the conical flexible coupling, called in jargon "shock leader". The latter progressively goes from a thicker diameter to a thinner one, resulting in less resistance due to the continuous hitting of the knot on the rod rings. As a result, the fishing line will slide without friction and can be cast further away. Furthermore, using a conical shock leader makes it possible to greatly reduce the risk of breakage and increase the strength of the assembly.

How to get less air friction

To achieve better air penetration, an aerodynamic lead should be used, which will also allow reduced friction on the frame. Both such elements facilitate a throw away from shore. The best performances are offered by the tapered weights, available in different weights.

Practice the technique of resting lead

Long distance throwing is not a matter of physical strength, but of greater movement fluidity. Here's how to do it in some easy steps. You have to face the sea and place the lead on the ground, with the tip down and the handle up. At this point, rotate the torso to get ready to "throw". This manoeuvre must be as fluid and gradual as possible. The arms must follow this movement in a natural way, imparting rotation to the fishing rod. The barrel should form a 45 ° angle to the ground.
